Sunday, June 12, 2011

So I never really thought that either of my boys looked much like me. My sister has been telling me for awhile that she thinks Wyatt looks like me. Well, I found this picture of when I was 4 years old and I covered up my hair and asked Wyatt who it was and he said, "Wyatt!" I guess I do have a kid that looks like me. What do you think?

Friday, June 10, 2011


This is one of the best things as a parent when you have more than one kid and they are just so loving to one another. They usually cuddle together when it's late at night or early in the morning and they are watching a movie.


Tyson and I took the boys on a little hike last Friday evening out by Vail Lake. Tyson brought one of his guns that Hunter likes to shoot to shoot at rabbits. Wyatt would pretend his stick was a gun and pretend to shoot too. We got to a point in the trail where there was a little stream. Tyson, Hunter and I could run and jump over it, but not Wyatt. So instead Tyson held his hand while he ran, and then swung him over to me to catch him. Well, I missed. He landed flat on his back with the back of his head in the water. He wasn't hurt or didn't even cry, in fact we all just laughed. Most of the time Wyatt just wanted to throw rocks. It was a fun family evening.

Thursday, June 2, 2011


If there is dirt Wyatt is in it, or should I say it is all over him. He is a funny character, he likes to lay down on the ground on all types of surfaces whether it is dirt, concrete, asphalt, or grass. The pictures of the amount of dirt on him doesn't do it justice of what how covered in dirt he was.

Boys and Bugs

The other day Hunter caught a HUGE grasshopper at my mom's house. He put it in a container and my wonderful mom cut up a pair of pantyhose to use as a lid (with a rubber band) so the grasshopper can breath. Hunter wanted to bring it home to show Tyson. We only had about 4 minutes left of a drive on the way home when Hunter sais, "ut-oh!" I said what? (already knowing what he was going to say, but hopeing that it wasn't what I thought it was). Hunter replies, "The grasshopper got out and is on your chair." I yelled for him to "get it!" Next thing I know this grasshopper lands on my back and I start SCREAMING! It climbs on me then hops off somewhere, not knowing where he went (I am still screaming). Then I see it climbing up the passenger chair and I take the container and hold it up against the back of the chair the rest of the way home. NO MORE BUGS or SPIDERS IN MY CAR!!!!

Bryanna Burton

Bryanna I can't find your blog to write you back, so if you get this you can email me with your email address at

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Rag Wreath & Topiary

This was my first rag wreath. On Friday my friend Amy and I went to Joann's and bought some 4th of July fabric that was on sale (along with some other great stuff). She gave me one of her extra foam wreaths that she had purchased from the dollar tree to use. I then riped and cut the fabric into strips and then tied the onto the wreath, added a bow and that's it. For the 4th of July Topiary I used a styrofoam ball, wooden dowel, bucket from target's dollar bin, tool, and 2-3 packages of star garland from the dollar tree. And just for fun I made a little photo holder out of those paper clip things.

Basket Case

Tyson took Hunter fishing the other night, and Wyatt was not happy that he didn't get to go "bishing." So Wyatt and and I had a movie night, but he decided to watch the movie while hiding underneath the basket.

Summer Blocks & Some more 4th

It took me a to cut these letters, but so worth it, I just love the flip-flop "u". And I forgot to add these other 4th of July pics to my last 4th of July post.