Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Snow Spraying

Today we had a little snow storm that lasted a little more than an hour but it gave us a couple inches of snow. So instead of making our usual snowman I gave the boys water bottles filled with colored water to spray the snow. They had so much fun, but I had to keep reminding Wyatt to only spray the snow and not Hunter and I. And then of course we had a little snowball fight.
When I kept telling Wyatt to look and me and say cheese, he would spray me with his squirt bottle.

Wyatt started a snowball fight.

Hunter got him back pretty good.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Flying Kites

Today was another windy day, so I took the boys to the High School down the street to go fly their 1 dollar Walmart kites. We were only there for about 30 minutes cause it was cold and windy, but the boys had a blast. They both did an awesome job flying their kites, and we can't wait to do it again, but next time we're going to wear warmer coats and gloves.
Wyatt and his Spider-Man Kite

Hunter and his Star Wars Yoda kite.
Wyatt let all the string out on his kite and kept it up flying high in the air.
Both the boys flying their kites high
The one way up high is Wyatt's  (not bad for a 3 year old).
Wyatt taking a stance so his kite doesn't carry him away.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Boys Fishing

Last Saturday Tyson took the boys fishing at the creek up the street from our home. They caught about 6 brown trout. After fishing for about an hour Wyatt was playing with 2 of the fish that they had caught when he fell in the creek. He started to float the the creek a bit when Hunter jumped in and pulled him out by the hood of his jacket. Tyson took off Wyatt's wet jacket and wrapped him up in Hunter's jacket, and then gave Hunter his jacket. Wyatt laid there on the bank and fell asleep for about another hour, and then the boys came back home. I guess going in the creek wiped Wyatt out.

Wyatt asleep on the bank after he fell in.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Valentine's Day

We didn't really do anything special for Valentine's day. Hunter had cereal, but Wyatt had heart shaped pancakes. They both has Valentine parties and as soon as they got home they both went through them and at all their candy. When Tyson came home we took the boys to Artic Circle to play and for ice cream cone. That's about all we did for our Valentine's Day.

Wyatt going through his Valentines.

This is the shirt that his friend Mason sent him, "Chicks Love Super Heros"

Telling me to not touch his candy.

Wyatt's Valentine from Ellery (the girl in his class that he ALWAYS talks about)

He wanted to eat his fun dip, so I poured it in a bowl for him to eat.
Well, after a few licks of the fun dip he decided to just dump of the sugar powder in his mouth.
Wyatt's Hulk mouth.

Wyatt was telling me no more pictures.

Hunter going through his Valentine's

The boys with their Valentines from Tyson and I.